
Projects made by me or in which I contributed are:

Road Condition Analyser - India

road condition analyser project image

GitHub Repo URL:

A step to ensure safe road journey. For more details read the README of the project. Developed using TensorFlow, Numpy, Open-CV, Django, Django Rest Framework, SQL as the database, Google Maps API, Dataset is provided by GRDDC 2020.

Online Meme Sharing Platform

xmeme (meme sharing platform) made by sankalp

Developed Site URL:

The main focus of this project is REST API. I have created REST API for CRUD of Memes. Another special API is for detecting an URL is an image or not. All the API’s are integrated to frontend by JQuery Ajax Feature. Swagger is also integrated in this.

Online Jupyter Notebook

jupyter notebook server

Developed Site URL:

I made it for runnning my python code from anywhere. It is built using Docker and changing Jupyter config. You can use it by entering password sankalp123@.

Neural Network Visualizer Web App

image of prediction of nnv by sankalp

Developed Site URL:

A web-app for visualizing hand-written number dataset by a ML-model made by me using TensorFlow, Django, NumPy , and matplotlib.

Student Helper Website

Project URL: Click Here

A tool to detect the attention-span of students with support of voice conversion in their native language who faces issues while studying in other languages. I worked on the audio part of this while developing this project for Garuda Hacks.

Product landing website

uv pure image

Developed Site URL:

Features: Payment integration, Admin Interface, Comment and Rating system, Cart & Checkout feature with basic authentication. This site is developed using Django as the backend and HTML/CSS/JS for the frontend.

Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Learning by doing.
Built with Hugo (Theme Stack designed by Jimmy)